Yakult Is Fermentedmilk Drink
Yakult was established in Japan in 1930. Their core product is YakultProbiotics fermented milk which was proved to help people’s health and wellness, as well asnice complexion and a slim form. Yakult entered Vietnam in 2006 (Yakult Vietnam) and theyhave just made their sales since June 2008. Up to now, the business operations do not live up to expectation due to their incompetentmarketing and promotional activities. As a consequence, this report was composed to analyzeYakult Vietnam’s current situation, and recommend feasible marketing strategies to help themincrease their sales in Ho Chi Minh City market in particular.
Continue Depressive Nowadays, almost everyone had heard Yakult. In our view, Yakult is an extremely famous beverages company. However, how can we imagine this small beverage can be an international product at the start? We believed that one of the successful reasons is their marketing strategies, say, Yakult place various advertisements, regularly and develop different flavor in different countries. Therefore, we are trying to find out what marketing strategies they are using in Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore, also what are the advantages and disadvantages of these marketing strategies.
What is Yakult? Yakult is a fermented milk drink made by fermenting skim milk powder and sugar with the beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain. This bacterium helps to replenish the good bacteria in the small intestine, ensuring that our digestive system works efficiently and effectively. Is Yakult artificially coloured? No. The colour of Yakult is naturally acquired when the skim milk powder and sugar are heated together at high temperatures, prior to fermentation. Are there any preservatives in Yakult? No.
The product is preserved naturally by the lactic acid produced by the bacteria Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain during fermentation. What is the shelf life of Yakult? The shelf life of Yakult is 45 days from the day of manufacture. The use-by-date can be found in two places: •On the back of our product packaging. •On the top of the foil cap on each individual bottle. 1. What is Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain? Lactobacillus casei are beneficial bacteria, which reach the intestines alive to favourably alter the balance of bacteria in the digestive system.
Our unique, patented “Shirota Strain” is exceptionally acid resistant. It easily survives the journey through the gastric juices and bile acids produced during digestion to arrive alive in our intestine, helping to keep our digestive system working efficiently What is the role of Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain? •To help normalise the balance of intestinal flora. •To assist in regulating the peristaltic movement (natural rhythm) of the bowel. •To help reduce detrimental substances produced by harmful bacteria. 3. How many bacteria are in a bottle of Yakult?
There are 6. 5 billion Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain in every 65ml bottle of Yakult If drinking Yakult for a long time, can the Yakult strain of bacteria become a permanent resident of the small intestine? No. Ingested bacteria cannot become a permanent resident of the human intestine. Ingested bacteria stays in the intestine for a short period of time before being excreted. To maintain a balance of intestinal flora, the bacteria need to be replenished on a regular basis. Is there anyone who should not drink Yakult?
Any individuals that experience allergies to cow’s milk protein or those with sensitivity to citrus should not drink Yakult. 2. Is Yakult suitable for people with diabetes? Yes. People with diabetes can enjoy Yakult and Yakult LIGHT as part of a healthy diet. Despite the amount of sugar in Yakult and Yakult LIGHT (refer Nutrition section), the type of sugar used enters the blood gradually and does not significantly increase blood glucose levels. This means that both products have a low Glycaemic Index (GI). •Yakult GI = 46 (Low) •Yakult LIGHT GI = 36 (Low) How much sugar is in Yakult?
There are 11. 4 grams of sugar per 65mL bottle of Yakult, which is equivalent to two heaped teaspoons. Yakult LIGHT contains 7. 1 grams of sugar per 65mL bottle. There are a number of reasons why sugar is in Yakult: •Some sugar is added prior to fermentation for the bacteria to use as fuel. This enables them to grow and multiply. •After fermentation, some sugar is added to provide an energy source for the duration of the 45-day shelf life of the product. •A small quantity of sugar is also added for taste. This is because the bacteria produce lactic acid resulting in a slightly sour taste. Sweetener (955), known as sucralose, is added to Yakult LIGHT for taste. 1. How many calories/kilojoules per bottle? There are 51 calories or 213 kilojoules per bottle of Yakult. This is about the same energy content as a medium apple. Yakult LIGHT contains 35 calories or 149 kilojoules per bottle. 2. Is there any fat or cholesterol in Yakult? No. Yakult is fat free and cholesterol free because it is made from skim milk powder. Yakult is worth 0. 5 points on the Weight Watchers 1,2,3 point system. 3. Can Yakult replace milk for calcium intake? No.
Yakult contains only a small amount of calcium because there is only a small amount of skim milk powder in Yakult. Such a small volume (65mL) means that it cannot be substituted for milk as a source of calcium. Who discovered Yakult? Dr Shirota discovered the Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain more than 70 years ago. He then incorporated this unique bacteria into a fruity tasty drink which he called Yakult. Named in honour of Dr Shirota’s discovery, this unique beneficial bacteria is known to contribute to digestive balance and is enjoyed daily by more than 25 million eople worldwide. Yakult’s Shirota strain: • Is resistant to stomach acids and reaches the intestines alive • Controls levels of harmful bacteria • Helps maintain digestive balance • Replenishes the number of good bacteria that may have been depleted by antibiotics, stress, natural ageing, or poor food and drink choices. • Helps regulate bowel movements • Helps boost natural immunity; particularly when you’re run down. Yakult is: • Gluten free • Fat free • Cholesterol free • Low Lactose (1g/bottle) • Low GI – Yakult GI = 46, Yakult LIGHT GI = 36
Yakult contains: • NO artificial colours • NO artificial flavours • NO preservatives Plus, only Yakult contains the live, beneficial Lactobacillus casei Shirota strain. There are two types of Yakult cultured milk drink. One is with the red cap while the other is with the blue cap (as shown above in the photo). The blue cap is the less sugar drink while the red cap is the original flavor and the blue cap is a little bit more expensive compare to the red cap bottle. The sugar level in the original flavor Yakult drink is similar to the sugar level in an apple.
Probiotics is a dietary supplement of live bacteria or yeast that is considered to be healthy for the host organism. They are inteded to assist the body’s gut flora, a naturally occurring ecology of microbes, to re-establish themselves. There are claims that probiotics strengthen the immune system against allergies, excess alcohol intake, stress, exposure to toxic substances and some diseases. Depending on the strain, there are benefits such as prevention of colon cancer, lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and many others. Yakult Honsha Co. , Ltd was established in Japan in 1930.
Their core product is YakultProbiotics fermented milk which was proved to help people’s health and wellness, as well asnice complexion and a slim form. Yakult entered Vietnam in 2006 (Yakult Vietnam) and theyhave just made their sales since June 2008. Up to now, the business operations do not live up to expectation due to their incompetentmarketing and promotional activities. As a consequence, this report was composed to analyzeYakult Vietnam’s current situation, and recommend feasible marketing strategies to help themincrease their sales in Ho Chi Minh City market in particular.