The Myanmar’s Government
There are several initiatives that I would like to take after the completion of my studies. The Myanmar’s government has a five-year National Education Sector plan for 2016-2021 which plans a transformational agenda, priorities and approaches to education reform, including higher education. These proposals in transformation of Myanmar’s education system will bring various of significant demands upon, struggles, leaders in schools, universities and ministry official.
First, to make positive change, there is a high demand for good leaders and good policy makers. These changes also require management, planning, inclusive curriculum development along with institutional strategy, and inclusive policy formulation. In addition, teachers and staff in schools and universities require skills on teaching and research, while managers need provision with leading and managing change, motivational skills, and effective decision making. I am confident to contribute my knowledge and experience to positive changes as good teacher, researcher, and manager at education institutions especially in ethnic minority areas.
Secondly, with a master degree from Monash University would give me opportunities to join various non – government organizations in the education field. I understood that many poor and children in remote areas in Myanmar are not receiving good education. Thus, my vision is to create chances for individuals to access a good and quality education.
In doing so, I am keen to work with education department and other national level organizations addressing better education policy changes that would have positive impact at the grassroot level as good policy is key for educational reform and development. To make this happen, I would join for instance, National Network for Education Reform as I want to provide inputs, knowledge and discussions for policy change at regional and national levels especially for the minority groups.
Lastly, with all the knowledge and practical skills that I would from Australia, I hope that I can work for non- government organizations in ethnic minority area especially in Chin State, where I have a chance to mobilize the Chin community and religious leaders to better address education system for the Chin as part of the decentralization process that can inform the wider national level educational policy especially for the ethnic minority groups in Myanmar.