Sir Robert Peel
During the research of Sir Robert Peel’s position on policing to the varied needs of contemporary society, it was revealed that police departments currently use the nine principles that Peel established in 1829. These principles are used as a foundation for the police to prevent crime and also to preserve a positive relationship with the community. It will be explained how Peel’s policing and principles are being utilized in the modern era and also show his position on policing.
In 1829 Sir Robert Peel formed the Metropolitan Police while serving as Secretary of England.Peel stated “The key to policing is that the police are the people and that the people are the police” (Law Enforcement: Robert Peels Concept, 1829). Community policing is derived from Peel’s concept of prevention and has been clung to by many law enforcement organizations across the United States. Community policing requires investing in training with special regard to problem analysis and problem solving, facilitation, community organization and other various dedicated training. The development of modern day policing has had many unsuccessful attempts and fake starts since the early nineteenth century.While Peel’s principles stand for an idealized vision of police movements, it has been known to serve as a stepping stone for contemporary law enforcement and criminologists. The impression of community policing can be credited to Sir Robert Peel in the logic that his principles have formed the core values of community relations.
Peel created the police force, also known as “bobbies” or territorial police forces. The beginning of “beats” was first performed by bobbies as a formal patrol. Enforcement agencies still have police patrolling the streets with the purpose of preventing crime and making neighborhoods safe.Peel’s philosophy and community policing share the same concepts and goals in policing. One of the different similarities between Peel’s advance and community policing is that prevention of crime is the main concern within our society. The assumption is that crime prevention is a duty that the community and police should share ownership of. Community policing and team policing is rooted in the idea that the traditional officer will bring the police and the community closer together and also maintain the professional model.
When the police are dealing with the different communities and cultures, there must be a mutual feeling between them.The shared feeling can be classified as a sense of security and trust within each other. It was stated by Peel that having the public’s support and collaboration are the basis for five of his principles of effective policing. “The ability of the police to perform their duties is reliant upon public approval of police actions and they must secure the willing cooperation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to uphold respect for the public. In our diverse society, police must understand the different cultures that make up the communities that they patrol (Law Enforcement: Robert Peels Concept, 1829).When a community has little or no respect towards the police, they are more likely going to pay no heed to the request or demands of the officers and force officers to use excessive force in order to gain control of the situation. An example of this would be the Los Angeles riots that took place back in 1992, when four officers were acquitted for the beating of Rodney King.
This became a great upset to the public and therefore caused riots. The issue was so awful that police officers had to put on S. W. A. T gear and try to get control of the livid crowd.Nearly 2,000 people were injured and 53 were killed. The police department must examine and avoid such mistakes from being made in community policing.
Another type of mistake that can cause troubles with community policing would be budget cuts within departments. Some officers often take side jobs to compensate for their salary cuts and thus create a lack of integrity and “dirty” cops. People depend on officers to help the streets and neighborhoods be much safer but with cutbacks, being able to provide that protection could be difficult.Society cannot afford to be defenseless with everything that is going on in the world today. Sir Robert Peel’s principles of policing have facilitated modern day policing by gaining the public’s trust to feel comfortable enough to call local law enforcement when assistance is needed. Community policing has been a most important focus in law enforcement because of the crime rate within the diverse communities. With the community and the police officers functioning together, crime rates would decline and the streets would be much safer.
Sir Robert Peel established that police and the community are equivalent in terms of efficient policing.References Larrabee, A. K. (2007). Law Enforcement: Sir Robert Peel. Associated Content. Retrieved from http://www.
associatedcontent. com/article/435980/law_enforcement_sir_robert_peels_con cept. html Patterson, J. (2010). Community Policing: Learning the Lessons of History. Retrieved from http://www. lectlaw. com/files/cjs07. htm Nazemi, S. (2008). Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principals of Policing.
Retrieved from http://www. lacp. org/2009-Articles-Main/062609-Peels9Principals-SandyNazemi. htm