Scope of nursing
Expanding your Scope of Nursing Practice – a practical guide Leanne Boase Deborah Pedron The Northern Hospital Panch Health Service Craigieburn Health Service Broadmeadows Health Service Bundoora Extended Care Centre Scope of Nursing and Midwifery Practice
- What is it?
- Why is it so important?
- Why is everyone talking about it?
- Who manages it?
- Who is responsible?
Aims of this Presentation To define what Scope of Practice means for Nurses and Midwives Midwives.
Practice 2. To present different concepts around Scope of
Practice 3. To report on findings of a small survey of fldi nurses and Scope of
Practice 4. To discuss expanding Scope of
Practice and provide a framework 5. To relate these concepts to ‘real life’ nursing roles. According to our nurses, Scope Of Practice (SOP) is: so sop Guidelines and Frameworks we need to abide and work within SOP relates to what I am allowed and not allowed to do within SOP relates to codes of conduct, ethics and professional conduct SOP relates to what a nurse can do within their skill base Area of tasks, procedures and actions a nurse can legally and safely undertake according to their training and education
The scope of which my role as a RN, specialist or credentialed DNE can work within Maintaining knowledge base and competency through constant learning and professional development Something which I am taught, qualified, taught qualified or competent to do What is Scope of Practice? “That which Nurses and “the range of roles, functions, functions responsibilities & activities, which a registered nurse or a registered midwife is educated, competent, and has the authority to perform ” perform. (An Bord Altranais pl) Midwives are educated, competent and authorised to perform. (QNC p3) Scope of p practice is not defined in many places. We should define nursing practice and outline principles to assist with the expansion of one’s scope of practice And/ Or Require the health professional to identify restricted activities.