Visiting Rutgers university on November 5th, 2013 was definitely a great experience as well as an eye opener for me. From touring the dfferent campus, getting an inside look in one of the Residence Halls and actually sitting and eating lunch In a setting filled with actual college students, the experience was surreal. Vlsltlng Rutgers motivated me to seek better for myself so that hopefully I can attend there or somewhere like it. With that said, there are many factors that come In to play hen considering me being able to go to Rutgers University.
What can I study? One of the best things about Rutgers Is that It offers over a hundred different majors, and holds thousands of courses. When I get Into college I would Ilke to study Sports Management with a minor In Marketing. Luckily, Rutgers does offer a Bachelors degree In sports Management and Instead of minoring In Marketing: I could make it a major as well and be a “double major”. An opportunity like that is breath taking and definitely caught my attention.
Although Rutgers doesnt ffer my major beyond a bachelor’s degree, like masters or doctorates, Rutgers is an accredited university so another college with a Sports Management master’s program would greatly accept my bachelor’s degree from Rutgers. Is Rutgers worth the cost? With such large and diverse campuses, Rutgers is a bit pricey. Although paying to attend may be very expensive, to me it’s a risk worth taking. Rutgers diversity along with its academic profile suggests that it is one of the top tier colleges across the nation.
Also, Rutgers has so much more to offer than just cademics. With 400 student groups, Division 1 athletic programs, and the state’s most extensive network of research labs, RIJ definitely sets the bar very high. Hopefully with a helping hand from Financial Aid, Rutgers cost will be a little less expensive so that I can cover all costs. Can I get in? That’s the million dollar question. Based on the different requirements and things that come in to play when the office of admissions chose who they would like to see at their school, I think I have a fair shot.
With my SAT cores and my personal statement, hopefully I stand out in a way that would help me get accepted. Rutgers university is definitely a great choice for me personally. Although It has been on my college list, the tour definitely assured Its position. With Just a few hours’ worth of being there I could only Imagine what It would be like to be there full time. Hopefully, Rutgers university Is In my future! Rutgers By hochoyt Visiting Rutgers University on November 5th, 2013 was definitely a great experience as well as an eye opener for me.
From touring the different campus, unch in a setting filled with actual college students, the experience was surreal. Visiting Rutgers motivated me to seek better for myself so that hopefully I can attend there or somewhere like it. With that said, there are many factors that come in to play What can I study? One of the best things about Rutgers is that it offers over a hundred different majors, and holds thousands of courses. When I get into college I would like to study Sports Management with a minor in Marketing. Luckily, Rutgers does offer a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management and instead of minoring in
Marketing; I could make it a major as well and be a “double major”. An opportunity like that is breath taking and definitely caught my attention. Although Rutgers doesn’t top tier colleges across the nation. Also, Rutgers has so much more to offer than Just Rutgers University is definitely a great choice for me personally. Although it has been on my college list, the tour definitely assured its position. With Just a few hours’ worth of being there I could only imagine what it would be like to be there full time. Hopefully, Rutgers University is in my future!