Notes on Religion
Cremation is more important than burial in which religion?
a. Buddhism
b. chrlstlanlty
c. Hinduism
d. Islamoc
2 The dominant branch of Islam is
a. Druze
b. Eastern Orthodox
c. Shiited
d. Sunni00
3. From the Russian Revolution to the tall ot the communist government, what was the policy of the government towards religion? all churches were closed b, the old church was replaced by Eastern Orthodox
c. churches remained open but played a limited role
d. youth were encouraged to attend so that the could be Indoctrinated Into
a. Animists believe that a, people should complete
4. God’s creation of the Earth
b. Inanimate objects and atural events have spirits
c. people should make complete use of the Earth’s resources natural disasters are preventableO
5. The world’s largest ethnic religion is
a. Buddhism
b. Christianity
c. Hinduism
d. IslamC0
6.The world’s largest universalizing religion Is
a. Buddhism
b. Christianity
c. Hinduism
d. Islam
7. Which is not an ethnic Asian religion?
a. Buddhism
b. Confucianism
c. Shintoism
d. Daolsm
8.Lutheranism Is an example of
a. Christian branch
b. denomination
c. religion
d. sectnn
9. What policy did the British follow in India?
a. they divided India into two countries
b. they forced all of the Hindus to migrate
c. hey turned the problem over to the united Nations
d. they encouraged the abolishment ot the caste system00
10. Worship in Hinduism is most likely to take place a, In
a. holy shrine
b. as part ofa pilgrimage’
c. at home
d. In a pagodaClD
11. The belief in the existence of only one god is
a. anlmlsm
b. osmogony
c. monotheism
d. solstlceoc
12. Roman Catholics are clustered In the LJ_S_ southwest primarily because of migration of
a. Roman Catholics from Latin America
b. Roman Catholics from the northeast U. S.
c. Roman Catholics trom Ireland
d. Protestants to the northCC
13. Hinduism’s caste systema_ assigns everyone to
a distinct class decrees the ilgrimages which should be taken
c. is a substitute for the lack of a holy book
d. identifies a family’s important deities0C
14. A universalizing religion
a. Is based on the physical characterlstlcs of a particular location on Earth
b. appeals to people living In a wide variety of locations
c. Is rarely transmitted through missionaries
d. is intentionally developed to be a world religion0
15 What Is the holiest book In Hinduism?
a. the Bible
b. the Old Testament
c. the Qurand. none of the above?