Miniature Adults
Journal 2 Describe a situation or several situations you’ve encounters that reflect the fact that children are not miniature adults. They think differently, see the world differently, and live by different morals and ethical principles than adults. What are some ways of thinking and acting that are simple for adults but not so simple for children A situation that i have encountered was one day when i was playing with my three year old brother while we was listening to some music on the radio.
All of sudden a song came on the radio and he started singing the entire song. At first i was extremely shock because i could not believe he knew every lyric to the song and he was only three years old. When the song finish i ask him how did he know the song the whole song he said he taught his self. I ask him could he count to twenty for me and he told me he could only count to five. So i told him if he knew all the lyrics to that song on the radio he should know how to count to twenty or farther.
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I figured out when it comes to some things it easier for him to learn rather than other things. I also have to remeber that they think differently form us so what might seem to easy to learn for us might not be as easy for children to learn it. It just all really depends on the childrens ages and their stage of development. One way of thinking that is simple for adults but not so simple for children would be the example Piaget wrote about the grasp object permanance.
Piaget argue that children must learn that objects exists even when the objects are not in the child’s physical presence. For an example if you cover a child’s toy the child may not remove because the would think it was automatically gone. After the age of two children often understand that objects still exist even if the can not see them. They now that if you try to cover up something or hide it still exists some where. They usually start trying to use symbols to represent these things in their minds so that they can still think about them.