Integrating Archives, Records, and Research Critique
Article Critique
In the article “Integrating Archives, Records, and Research” Kevin Manion underlines the importance of effective management of recourses stressing that if a company is willing to succeed and to remain competitive in tough business environment, it should pay more attention to information and records management. Thus, the overall theme of the article is effective management as a key challenge for information managers. The author indicates that records, archives and researches are shared by all organization and it is the ability to manage resources that shapes organizational success and effectiveness. Manion finds out that effective resource management assists in creating department’s place within organization and helps every employee to realize all the business moving parts.
In my opinion, the article addresses issues that are important for every organization. Today business world is highly competitive and only companies that have advantage over others appear to be able to succeed. Therefore, I think that effective management of resources should be of top priority for every organization. Archives and records should be properly managed and organized.
After reading that article, I’ll definitely change my attitudes towards the necessity of creating archives and records as it simplifies search process. When being information science process, of course, records and archives help to find necessary information and to save time. The article contributes not only economic field, but also information and science management.
Summing up, the article contains a number of significant finds that help organization to organize and to improve working process. Research and information management should be implemented in every organization as integral business operations. The role of information manager should be realized and underlined as it is a person who helps to manage both material and human resources.
Manion. Kevin. (2005). Integrating Archives, Records, and Research. Information Management Journal, 39, 1, pp.50-54.