Importance of LAMP Fellowship
What are your educational and/or professional achievements? B) Why Is the LAMP Fellowship the next step for you? C) What do you hope to learn through the LAMP Fellowship? D) How is the Fellowship relevant to your future goals? My education has played an Important role In shaping me developing critical thinking skills and decision making abilities. Having served as Finance Coordinator during Annual Technical Festival of my college I was exposed to different facets of organizing an event and managing the team.
I was selected as a student delegate for a inference on climate change and Kyoto Protocol and gave a presentation in a national conference on Implementation of low cost water treatment faceless for Societies. Professionally y I have learned a lot and still continue to do so. Was winner of annual poster- presentation event organized by MM. I discussed the challenges faced by our utilities, technological solutions which can be Implemented. I was also acknowledged by management for the innovate Idea.
I believe LAMP fellowship provides an ideal opportunity. My short term goal is also to work with Think-tanks/ government/consulting companies in recommending policy framing and in this regard LAMP fellowship is ideal at this stage after which I would like to either work/ go for higher education In the domain of Public Policy. Since LAMP fellowship will be the perfect opportunity to understand our government functioning and equip myself in finding solutions, I am eager to pursue it.
LAMP fellowship will provide me an opportunity to have a comprehensive understanding of how a policy shapes up and hat goes beneath the framing of policy, the functioning of parliament and to understand the workings of PM. To have the opportunity to see my recommendation or questions or argument being discussed in the house is also a great motivator. It presents the best opportunity at this stage for me to fit in my career goals. The political climate has changed significantly and a lot of focus Is on good governance.
It Is imperative to have clear understanding, perspectives and know-how as to how the government functions before making economic decisions. Even in future if I would eke to have a business in socially relevant sectors and it is imperative to understand the policy making process. Write a 500-word essay on any policy/legislative Issue that you have followed in the past year. Mention the objective and key features of the Issue and provide brief analysis. One of the major policies which I am keeping close eye on is Indian’s Energy Policy.
It is one of the most important things and successful Implementation of this policy Is extremely vital. It Is largely defined by burgeoning energy deficit, gross Inefficiencies ND the focus on developing alternate source of energy. The recent black-out 1 OFF transmission systems. However, the scope of this essay is limited to the issue of distribution companies. Indian disco’s are largely state-owned and massively indebted. A whopping 1, 70,000 lack scores is the amount estimated is the debt of State owned utilities.
Key features that define the policy related to disco’s are: 1) Inability to revise power tariffs 2) High %age of distribution losses > 28% and in some states > 50% 3) Caters to people sentiments ) More than 95% of disco’s are state-owned 5) Aging workforce 6) Inefficient grid 7) Inability to achieve state-wide energy accountability 8) Providing unaccounted power to unrealized colonies due to votes 9) Fleet inefficiencies and losses We will discuss some important points case-by-case: Inability to revise power-tariffs is the outcome of it being vital component of a middle-income families expenditure.
It creates a furors among the ruling parties that they will lose votes. There is no case to suggest power tariffs can remain same when el prices from coal, steel, natural gas, crude oil are rising. However, if our gross inefficiencies in distribution are reduced we would be able to reach wider public and if there is surplus generation it can be exported to have extra income. Also large number of coal plants are running at load factor of 50% where industry SST is 85%. More energy generation can be achieved through this. Transparent pricing should be promoted.
Private sector should be promoted to get into distribution. Data Power in Delhi and RPG led SEC in Kola have minimum AT&C losses. These organizations ring competitive talent who has worked across the world and use best practices. Outsourcing of power distribution Just like in Bandied has also been significantly successful. More private players should be promoted. There is no economic and political sense in wasting tax payers money in inefficiency. Distribution losses should be minimized through energy accounting, smart metering, check on faulty metering, leakage in distribution and preventing power theft.
Grids should be integrated with technology to power addition from mint-grids and efficient energy transmission. Consistent adoption of RAPPER (Restructured Accelerated Power Distribution Reform Program)- Providing assistance to states for preparing the base-line data for using new technology tools in project areas having more than 4 lack people and annual input energy of the order of 350 MI-J. Providing assistance for renovation, modernization and strengthening of 11 xv level Substations, Transformers/ Transformer Centers, and re-conducting of lines at 1 1 xv level. These major issues affect the energy distribution policy in India.