Future job
To begin with, I would say an absolutely essential thing that it is not easy to make a choice about my future job. Especially, if I want to make the right choice. Criteria of choosing a job of the other people may be pretty different from mine ones, even though in my view the most important criteria are: personal satisfaction, ability to use my initiative and to pay for my bills. So, why are these things so special for me? As every young person, I feel really optimistic about my prospects, but my career ideas seem to be rather vague and odd.Nevertheless.
The one thing I strongly believe in – I will not succeed if my job is not exciting and there is not any kind of adventure. Moreover, the same will take place if my job is hopelessly routine and get bored with the deal at first minutes. A long-term career with job security and eventually retire with a good pension will surely make me deeply frustrated, I suppose. To my mind, I want to be active in everything I can, even in my job. Once, one artist said: ‘Do your thing. Do your thing, it is all about you and your freedom.Remember, that you should be yourself in everything you do.
Only in this case you will have a chance to become successful. ‘ That’s why long-term career prospects mean not much for me. It seems to me that doing things I love and getting paid for the that is the best thing in life ever. Therefore, it would be really great to have a sort of my own business : agency, gallery, etc. It is excellent, when you are your own boss, when the amount of money you get depends only on you and nobody else.What is more, you will be free from any kind of redundancy or downsizing. However, to become one day an independent person which does her own affair, I will have to develop and obsess special skills.
Having a good sense of intuition and luxuriant imagination are great things to develop and terrible ones to waste in a world that offers economic security. Also I will have to be resilient as well as resourceful. As I see it, it will be quite hard to follow the dreams. Apart from that, I believe that giving yourself a chance worth it.