European Market Development Manager
Gilson Christelle 13, Avenue Walckiers, 1160 Auderghem, Belgium Tel: +32496120463 e-mail : gilsonchristelle@hotmail.
com Born Sept 02nd 1974, Single Summary: – European Market Development Manager. – European Technical and Development Manager for 4 plants producing 60000 tons of Polyethylen stretch film. – Second year International Executive Master Business Administration. – Team player with strong motivational skills, smiling. Professional Experience 02/2000 ( now Illinois Tool Works Inc. ITW Mima Packaging System, part of the multinational company Illinois Tool Works Inc. is a world leader in Stretch & oriented packaging technology and innovation.
The company manufactures both stretch wrapping machinery and stretch film.The group has 4 European plants producing and converting stretch film. The headquarter is located in Strassen in Luxemburg. Web site: http://www. itwmima. eu 06/2010 – now ITW Mima headquarter, European Market Development Manager. Main responsibilities: ? Investigation of new markets, new applications in collaboration with the sales teams and raw material suppliers to develop new applications in the packaging system selling approach (film & machine).
Discover hidden customer needs via Blueprinting program: customer interviews. – Develop and maintain an in-depth knowledge of key markets and competitors via market and competitors research. – Investigation on new raw material. – Responsible for the packaging optimisation center in Virton (Belgium). 07/2004 – 06/2010 ITW Mima headquarter, European Technical and Development Manager. Main responsibilities: ? Management of the R&D department for 4 plants located in Europe : Waterford ( Ireland), Gorey ( Ireland), Whiel (Germany), Virton ( Belgium) : – R&D budget plan management, long range plan management.Development and implementation of new formulations.
– Implementation of the same production standard (product), quality control system in the 4 plants. – Support of all technical activities with manufacturing managers to optimise the production: increase material efficiency, uptime, decrease quality complaints, returns. – Coaching of 5 subordinates: lab technicians, engineer. ? Product management: item list – Kan Ban – Product line simplification (PLS). 07/2001 – 06/2004 Mima Films, Belgium, Technical and Development Manager. Main responsibilities: Development of new generation of stretch film: oriented thin film (7µ). ? Management of projects from elaboration to implementation.
? Technical assistance to customers. ? Responsible for the lab quality in Ireland & Germany: coach 2 subordinates, supervision of the test results, processing of the results, establish customer specifications for all new products. ? Develop and maintain an in-depth knowledge of key markets and competitors. ? Responsible for quality: complaints, ISO9001 version 2000, internal auditor. Responsible for all environmental aspects of the company: ISO14000. 2/2000 – 07/2001 Mima Films, Belgium, Quality and Development engineer. Main responsibilities: ? Developments of new formulations for high performance cast and blown film.
Test and evaluation of all new resins on the market (metallocen, octen, hexen,…). ?Responsible for the lab quality: coach 2 subordinates, supervision of the test results, processing of the results, establish customer specifications for all new products. ? Control quality problems and install corrective actions in the plant to decrease the percentage of return. Follow the tracability of a complaint. Responsible for the ISO 9001certification for the plants of Belgium and Ireland. Ensure all procedures are up dated and followed: internal audits. Prepare the site for the new standard version 2000.
10/1998(02/2000 Test-Achats, Belgium. Test-Achats, subsidiary company of Conseur, European group for the consumer defence. Web site: http://www. test-achats. be 10/1998-02/2000 Test-Achats, Belgium, Project officer, energy sector. Main responsibilities: ? Responsible for the test relating to the energy sector (isolation, heating systems, electricity cost,…).Set up the test scheme, look for appropriated laboratories, process the lab results and evaluation of the results.
07/1997(09/1998 Fina Research, Belgium. European research center of the worldwide petroleum company TotalFinaElf. Web site: http://www. totalfinaelf. com 07/1997-06/1998 Fina Research,Feluy, industrial engineer, elastomer department. Main responsibilities: ? Research and develop new stabilisations (antioxidant) for a SBS grade: test of different stabilisations on the roll mill, on spectrometer.Analyses of mechanical properties: dart impact, Brabender test, elongation, tear resistance.
? Study of dynamic properties for SBS grades. ? Chemical analyses. 06/1998-09/1998 Fina Research,Feluy, industrial engineer, asphalt department. Main responsibilities: ? Rheological study: development new procedure for the viscosity measurement of road asphalt (bitumen). Use of Universal Dynamic Spectrometer (UDS). Education 1992 (1997 Industrial engineer (industrial chemistry : orientation polymers); Institut superieur industriel de Bruxelles (ISIB). Degree : distinction.
009 ( 2011 International Executive MBA Louvain School of Management Belgium Languages/Computing Languages ? French: Native language ? English: Fluent ? Dutch: medium knowledge ? German: basic knowledge Computing ? Microsoft office Interests ? Sports: tennis, dance. ? Travels. ? Study trips: – 10/2009 “Management information system” Corvinus University Budapest Hungary – 05/2010 “Cross Cultural Management” Jiatong University Shanghai China. – 10/2010 “Doing Business in Brazil” USP University Sao Paulo Brazil