Difference Between Leadership And Management
The body of this paper with give a clear idea of how leadership and management work In a holly congregation. Leadership and management are similar but different. A leader is the basic thought of who a person is. They also think differently, which make them a great leader. A manager is a mirror or a copy of a leader. The present Darryl Glen McCoy Sir. Ho is the founder and general overseer of Trumpet In Zion Fellowship, Inc. Apostle McCoy display many ways of leadership. Leadership must first start with the leader having a different thought process from other people, which Apostle does. The reason he is so different is he takes orders from the Lord our Father. This allows the Apostle not to make rational decisions. This molds him to truthfully express his faults to the congregation and other people, which allows growth to manifest.
Once he has fallen this teaches him to humble himself to be lead and taught by the best our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now he receives his experiences from researching the Father that came before IM, by doing this he is gains strength and power to be under control but in control of others. This is when the role of the Apostle changes from leadership to management, which means that he only copies what is written. He now has the ability focuses on how the structure of the body of Christ is suppose to be handle and guided.
The Apostle must maintain the the light in which he is given to lead the sheep of God. However, Apostle is a great manger but is blessed to lead the people of God. Why Apostle is a wonderful leader is his originality but adds ideas and methods hat lines up with the word of God. Apostle McCoy inspires other by his trust in God for everything in life. He also lead by following God, which gives him the perspective of the land that flows with milk and honey. With his eyes on God he has is eyes on the Promise Land.
Apostle McCoy leadership skills starts with order that range from making sure that the men in black know where to post up in the sanctuary, who will hold the offering buckets, when to give microphones to singers or speakers, and how and who will assists the men of God that will bring forth the sermon. He also gives the all final approval on everything that is done in our church from the colors in the church to the arrangements on the programs for each service as to who is doing what.
This means he only allow one to do what there suppose to do nothing more or less. The Apostle has shown effectiveness with the order, which has made is ministry right in love. An obstacle has reared its ugly head in our church. Trumpet in Zion church has just purchased and new sanctuary that is paid for. Well prior to moving some saints in the church were being disobedience to one of the pastors. This had been going on or about six years but the saints were doing things to cause confusion and gossip about the pastor.
Although it was not the pastor fault the saints would call and tell Apostle McCoy that the pastor was doing this and that but never told that they were at fault for throwing rocks and hiding their hands. The Apostle and the pastor where great friends in the Lord. However Apostle McCoy had to make a leader decision which was to send the pastor out on the field to travel to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Never the less Apostle was honest with the congregation by letting them know hat was going on that he knew that some saints were being disobedient and lying to him.
He explained that this was a decision that was in the making for six years and he crying and pleaded with God but the move had to be made so that the pastor leader. This means now more than ever order is the key to empowering Apostle McCoy because the decision is doing the right thing by asking God why this decision has to be made and what to do after this decision is made. Inclusion, the Apostle Darryl Glen McCoy Sir. Is a wonderful leader that know how o be a manager that copies God and his word to the crossing of every t and the point of every.