Developing Systems in the Fast Food Industries
The international expansion of the fast food industry is due because of the social and technological advances that came during the early 19th century. Advances such as cars were a big contribution to the fast food industry. People could then drive to go and buy food. With cars, other advances in the industrial industry came along. Highways were built to travel from place to place. Much more advances have also contributed so that fast food was possible for everyone.
Although there were many advances in the fast food industry that helped contribute to its rapid expansion nationally and internationally, there were also major points that were uncovered. What are the truths behind these great developing systems that have advanced fast food industries? The founding fathers of the fast food industry have made their, once a small push cart business, into a multi-billion dollar industry where they have spread nationally and also internationally. An industry that began with a few of modest hot dog and hamburger stands has now become an industry that has spread to every corner of the nation.Many of this success of the fast food industry have been partially from its social advances. Social advances such as cars and or even franchises that have been invested in these fast food industries. “The extraordinary growth of the fast food industry has been driven by fundamental changes in American society” (Mifflin), especially when the American society has put a tremendous amount of influence on one another to continue this fast food chain by trying new fast food craves or products advertised.We the people of America have shaped ourselves into always having to have fast food around us.
Fast Food has been incorporated in to Americans daily lifestyle by being spread throughout the whole world. The fast food industry is such a part of the American lifestyle that we even have national characters that symbolize fast food restaurants, such as McDonalds. Besides Santa Clause, one of the most known fictional characters is Ronald McDonald. Fast Food industries have entered the social minds of children by using fictional characters to attract children to purchase their goods.A fictional character that has been recognized by 96% of school children has adopted itself to the fast food industry lifestyle. Whether it’s the fictional character dolls or TV commercials that are aimed to children; fast food industries aim themselves to young children. “A child who loves our TV commercials… and brings her grandparents to a McDonald’s gives us two more customers” (Schlosser 41), with more advertisements aimed at children, it makes kids want to go to these restaurants and buy these toys.
Advertisement to children exploded in the 1980’s while having other companies come up with fictional characters also. McDonald’s advertisement campaigns were so great that they came up with play lands, toys and cross-promotion. They have gone as far to promote itself as a “trusted Friend,” suggesting that it cares about its customers. Fast Food advertisements are worldwide, national and internationally. Advertisements are not just on giant billboards or TV commercials, but they are now following children in educational environments.America has spent more money in advertisement and fast food industries than education for students. “In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion.
Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, new cars, movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music – combined,” ( Mifflin); meaning, that Americans are not focusing on what the money really needs to be spent on.Schools all across the state are currently selling many junk food goodies that they can get their hands on quickly such as sodas, chips, frozen slushies, and even candy. How nutritious do these items sound to you? These are only some of the many things that children can get their hands on at their school; not only that, but many say that this is why a main portion of teens and children are obese. Not only is a great portion of the children and teens of America obese, but many of the teens are also dropping out of schools.Many of these teens are dropping out of school because they are working at fast food restaurants, working 10 to 12 hour shifts. “No other industry in the United States has a workforce so dominated by adolescents. About two-thirds of the nation’s fast food workers are under the age of twenty,” (Schlosser 68), meaning that fast food industries are greatly ran by teenagers.
This is because fast food industries can hire teens and pay them minimum wage and have them work long shifts. Their youthful inexperience is easier to control compared to that of an adult.A small group of young teenagers is how they created the Speedee Service System. With a small group of fast working teens, they are able to accomplish things faster in order to make more. The Speedee Service System helped fast food industries expand their empire. By having this system and other’s such as machines that help cook the food faster, these industries have become unstoppable. Another thing that fast food industries have done that are both good and bad, is the ingredients that are added to make the food taste the way it does and how the food first begins.
Schlosser writes that in his interview with a fellow Taco Bell employee, the food is “assembled, not prepared. ” Many fast food restaurants lead to believe that their food is genially made right there and then, but in reality many of things they make is already pre-packed or pre-cooked. This advancement in the fast food industry is great for the restaurants because it makes things easier so that production can go faster and makes everything easier for the employees preparing the food. However, how good are these food additives for you?Of course, many of these restaurants are not obligated to tell the public exactly what is in the fries or other food that they make, but sometimes these additives and ingredients can be bad for you. Additives these days can be unseen to the naked eye. You can be fooled to believe that you are eating and tasting one thing when it’s really something else. “After closing my eyes, I suddenly smelled a grilled hamburger.
The aroma was uncanny, almost miraculous. It smelled like someone in the room was flipping burgers on a hot grill.But when I opened my eyes, there was just a narrow strip of white paper and a smiling flavorist,” (Schlosser 129), even though they may smell good and taste good, they can also be bad for you. The fast food industry has become a great part of the American society. It once started off with the basic stand that sold hamburgers or hot dogs, one-by-one. Now we can see how the fast food industry has mass produced to become one of the multi-billion dollar industries in the whole world. Although advancements such as advertisements, speedee service, and food dditives have greatly contributed to the success and growth of the fast food industry; we can say that they have also had a negative effect on the society also.
Advertisement towards children has led to the advertisement in schools and children being on the verge of becoming obese. Speedee service systems are great for fast food restaurants who want to get there food out faster, but at the same time, restaurants are hiring inexperienced teen workers that are getting paid minimum wage and work long shifts.In the long run, many teens that work have a higher dropout rate. Food additives may seem good and taste and smell good, but are they really good for you? Advancements such as these have contributed to the expansion of fast food industries nationally and internationally, but with great benefits come great despair.Works Cited “Of Fast Food and Franchises — DeMaria 41 (7): 1227. ” Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Ed.
Anthony N. DeMaria. 2003. Journal. 17 Nov. 2010. .
Mifflin, Houghton. “Fast Food Nation. New York Times. 2000. Web. 15 Nov. 2010.
. Schlosser, Eric. Fast Food Nation: the Dark Side of the All-American Meal. New York, NY: Perennial, 2002. Print Silverman, Fran. “Fries Forever: Scoffing at Junk-Food Ban. ” New York Times 12 June 2005: 3(L).
Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Journal. 17 Nov. 2010. Turner, Mark D. “The Low-Wage Labor Market: Does the Minimum Wage Help or Hurt Low-Wage Workers? ” Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, HHS. 14 Jan.
2000. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. .