Budget Allocation in the Local Government
The allocation of budget from the states to the local government is very crucial in terms of prioritization and allotment. Many poll findings support a pro-people allotment of budget. It mainly focused on education, medical or social security, and job training.
However, there are twelve major areas that should be considered in allocating the budget to different areas of local government. The twelve areas are Research on Science and Outer Space, Natural Environment, Job Development and Training, Transportation, Security and Defense, Charitable and Economic Assistance to foreign countries, the State Department, international relations through the United Nations and United Nations peacekeeping, Justice and Health Research of the Federal Administration (“Allocating the Discretionary Budget,” 2000).
The US Government alone spends about $460 billion to deliberately extend the budget allotment to the states. Taxpayers will disburse thousand of dollars in order for them to divide their tax among the major areas (“Allocating the Discretionary Budget,” 2000).
Given a situation where budget is scarce in a local government, local officials like mayors in towns and municipalities are forced to allot the budget to one major priority. Let’s say the budget left is only 1 million dollar and the population is bigger to fit the amount of budget for a certain locality. Certain allocation should be cut and one major area should be prioritized. If I am the Mayor of a community with that given funds, I will push for a greater subsidy on education and medical services.
Defense and military budget should be slashed and develop schemes to self-sustain the funding. For example, the US defense budget alone is spending too much attention and commitment to other countries, serving as the policeman of the world. Citizens are asserting on different forms of statements that the US should spend enough to protect itself and help other countries through unification under the United Nations and allies.
If I am the mayor, I shall put emphasis to students who are deprived of and people who has little access to medical services. One million dollar is a great help to subsidize the necessity of the people. I believe that the strength of the state is the people alongside government, sovereignty, and territory, people should always be the first and the last concern.
Support for educational programs should always be the main point that must be suggested because a higher knowledge and information in a society will likely improve the economic trail. When youths are empowered and armed with , they will serve as the binding force to think of ways and means to economic progress and development. It is the youth that will perform the tasks in the future generations to come, therefore the consideration to establish high quality education is remarkable and justifiable.
More and more youths should be trained in a society where information, learning and knowledge is free and has great source of intellectual conversation to uplift the level of consciousness towards positive change. Self sustaining is not the answer to budget allocation of education. It is the continuous prioritization and focus that should be taken into account. Related the strength management program of the national guard
On the other hand, medical services is one great option of budget allocation, I voiced out strongly to support for an increase in this area. Each year, every individual is suffering from illness and diseases which must take into account seriously and primarily by the government. Scarcity in medicine and inaccessibility to health services especially the minorities in the United States is supposed to be given a priority.
The allocation of budget is an important manifestation of sovereignty for the people because it encompasses the life and survival of a particular community. The question of how it should be allocated and for whom it should be distributed is an essential foundation for the consideration on the distribution of the budget. For that reason, if the response is positively disseminated towards the majority, democracy and truthfulness is practiced.
Allocating the Discretionary Budget [Electronic (2000). Version]. Retrieved May 17, 2007 from http://www.policyattitudes.org/OnlineReports/Budget/allocating_budget.html.