Avon Company
Avon company is based in united states of America and sells their product globally. It was founded by David H. McConnell and has worked for over 120 years .The Avon main principle is to meet fully obligation of corporate citizen by contributing well being of society and the environment in which it function .The company has rules to operate for its well function which include to make families throughout the world with product of the highest quality backed by a guarantee of satisfaction, to render a service to customers that is outstanding in its helpfulness and courtesy, give full a service to customers that is outstanding in its helpfulness and courtesy, share with others the rewards of growth and success of the company, meet full the obligations of corporate citizenship by contributing to the well-being of society and the environment in which it operate.
The company deals with beautification products such as lipsticks, fragrances and anti-aging skincare. The has very strong vision statement which states aims at being the best company that best understands and satisfies the product, service and self-fulfillment needs of women – globally. Its mission is to build a unique portfolio of Beauty and related brands, striving to outsmart their competitors in quality, innovation and value, and elevating their image to become the beauty company most women turn to worldwide.
The Avon company work extra hard to be become the destination store for women, offering the convenience of multiple brands and channels, and providing a personal high touch shopping experience that helps create lifelong customer relationships. The company has embarked on direct selling and reinvention of the channel, offering a business opportunity that delivers high earnings, recognition, service and support, making it easy and rewarding to be associated with this company thus improving its image. The company desire to be a global champion for the health and well-being of women through humanitarian efforts that eliminate breast cancer from the face of the earth, and that empower women economically. The company participates in environmental conservation through its police which requires:
That the company Conduct its operations in a manner that demonstrates its respect for the environment through the efficient use of natural resources, waste minimization, reuse and recycling practices;
That it meets or exceed all environmental laws and regulations of the countries and communities in which it operates;
That it continues to develop processes, practices and procedures that improve the environmental quality of its operations and its products across their life cycle, from initial design to ultimate disposal;
Finally to continuously improve its environmental management system and measure progress towards environmental goals.
Avon does not conduct animal testing on any of its products or raw ingredients and does not require that suppliers of raw ingredients and finished products produced for Avon conduct animal testing on its behalf. Since it desires to continue in its leadership role to support the development and validation of new alternatives to animal testing it is in partnership with other cosmetic companies in efforts organized by the European cosmetic industry trade association (COLIPA) to identify and develop new alternatives.
The company also works hard to give the shareholder of the company high yield by tirelessly pursuing new growth opportunities while continually improving profitability, a socially responsible, ethical company that is watched and emulated as benchmark in the industry it is committed to selling only safe products, using only safe ingredients in its cosmetics products and complying with applicable regulations in every county in which Avon products are sold. The company closely monitors all existing, new and proposed regulations governing the sale of its products throughout the world to ensure that it is fully informed and in compliance with the law. It adheres fully to all regulations governing the sale of all its products in each country where it does business. Although regulatory requirements may differ around the world, Avon has a single, global product safety standard, irrespective of the country in which products are sold. Avon has continued to revolutionize the beauty industry by launching innovative, first-to-market products using Avon-patented technology. In addition, its growth vision includes expanding into new geographies, bringing its high-quality products and personalized service to more and more women.
Avon has been consistently recognized as one of the most admired companies and one of the best companies to work for, with a highly diverse global workforce of nearly 40,000 employees. These employees include sales representatives whose duties are to conduct door to door sales of the company’s products. The company has CEO who coordinates its business across different countries besides motivating the sales representatives. The company gives opportunity to and earning to new markets (developing-market) sales representatives. That differentiates it from other great manufacturers of mass beauty products. In addition to great branded products for good value, first and foremost it offers women in those markets the opportunity to be economically independent and run their own businesses. In many ways it is the largest micro-lender because it front its sales representatives their first order and that “mini loan” is paid back after they sell their first order. That gets women into business for the first time. A diverse supplier base provides economic and social vitality to the communities in which we live and work. The company use Supplier Diversity Program this helps the company to reinforce it commitment that it should mirror the image of those who buy its products with those who provide goods and services to make its products. The supplier diversity team supports the initiatives of the corporation’s Women and Minority Business Enterprise spending goals throughout all of Avon’s North American business locations, which include Atlanta, California, Canada, Delaware, Illinois, New York and Puerto Rico.
The company has potential suppliers who add value, on a competitive basis, to the procurement of the materials to make the products it provides and to creatively enhance the services in its supplier diversity database. The company operates in more than 60 countries and its products are sold in over 100, Avon company its responsibility is to ensure that its business practices are environmentally sound and that its products are safe and effective for their intended purpose.
In conclusion the company seem to successful for number of reasons it has enough employee who will cover the whole market as they are distributed to the region they it is selling its product, also it easy empowering women with no income through mini loan which are paid back late, it has a big market for their product which are sold globally, also it has social responsibly for society it is selling its product.
1) http://avoncompany.com.
2) By Ellen Byron The Wall Street Journal