Annual Review Leaders
Annual Review
Leaders or managers should reward their followers or employees for completing tasks that are assigned to them. The rewards affect the performance of the worker and it can make him/ her strives harder and makes more vivid goals for them to achieve in the future.
Equity theory, expectancy theory and reinforcement theory are some of the process theories of management. Expectancy Theory, this theory argues that people act as they do because they expect their behaviour to produce satisfactory results. Path- Goal model of Leadership is derived from expectancy theory where in the Leader identifies employees’ needs then goals are established. The leader then provides assistance on employees, in return the employees are satisfied and motivated then effective performance occurs. Reinforcement theory takes into great consideration the behaviour of the employee. Rewards and Punishments are used to motivate and control the behaviour of the employee regarding his performance in the workplace.
Reinforcement theory will be used in awarding each employee’s raises. Reasons that would likely affect the rewards intended for them includes complete attendance where in they should have no more than 2 absences or tardiness and his/ her performance in the workplace, and his competency or efficiency, the performance he is showing the work area. I chose complete attendance because if they are really interested and are into their line of profession then they would do their best to be early in the workplace, absences and tardiness just shows what kind of employees they are. Competency is also important. His performance in the workplace determines how effective and skilled he is.
I think Expectancy theory is the best theory to employ in an effort to keep happy and motivated employees because in this theory both employees and organization are better able to reach their goals together.
Marquis, Bessie L. and Huston, Carol J. Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application. 4th edition, pages 11-15.