Additional procedures in relation to recruitment and appraisal
This report is intended specifically for the management of Andrew’s Gardening, However, many of the principles outlined within this report may be used as a basis of consultation elsewhere. This report is intended to provide a useful resource to Andrew’s Gardening in order for the management to improve human resource. In order to obtain the best person for the job particularly within the area of management I strongly recommend that you use the job analysis approach.
The tasks of the manager to which you wish to employ must be clear in order for the company to employ the correct person and in order for the correct person to be attracted. In addition to the above the manager to must be able to function to a acceptable standard within the job. To do this they must have the knowledge to do the job as well as the knowledge of the industry. The new manager must also have the correct attitude to perform, a sound attitude towards customer satisfaction and people management.
Most obvious the manager must have the skills necessary to do the job. The essence of attracting the right person for the job is through how your company is looked at in relation to its financial situation and leadership within the industry, as well as how and where and what way you advertise in relation to recruitment. After looking at the company and fully recognising that the company has a good standing within the industry on a local basis, I feel that attracting the right person for the job will not be of any great difficulty.
My recommendations in relation to attracting the correct person for the job are to primarily advertise within the gazettes and magazines to which relate to the industry and also employment agencies on a national scale, and my lesser recommendation is for internal recruitment. Internal recruitment I must add unlike my primary recommendation is more cost effective but will restrict the degree of personnel originality within the company. External recruitment is less cost effective but will in most cases get you the correct person for the job.
Now at this stage you should have obtained a suitable amount of applicants for the management post, and in addition have them short listed to who is suitable and to who is not. The next step is to implement an assessment centre to which will test the suitability of a candidate against the criteria mentioned in section 1. 0 as well as asses the character and suitability of the candidate. This procedure may be carried out by the employment agency upon your instruction to which I would recommend.
The lesser attractive option would be to carry the assessments out internally, although I would not recommend this as these procedures have not been carried out before. Regular employee evaluation is a crucial factor in the development of your workforce on both an individual basis and a team basis. The appraisal, when done from a positive perspective is beneficial to both the employer and the employee. The appraisal process is a crucial factor in modern management and research does show that quality positive feedback does improve performance throughout the workforce2
The appraisal discussion as afore mentioned is beneficial to both employee and employer. The appraisal process will give the company a chance to resolve any problems to which may be occurring within the workforce, in addition it will also be a solid basis for improved staff performance as well as a chance to discuss employee goals and targets. The appraisal discussion is also there for the employees benefit also. The discussion will allow the employee to gain a better understanding in relation to performance requirements, give the opportunity to discuss any grievances he or she has also.
Different companies use a wide range of appraisal systems. Certain organisations use appraisal systems to which are very manager orientated. In this type of appraisal the manager writes the appraisal report on the employee and then arranges a meeting with the employee to share his findings. Another type of appraisal system is where the manager will help the employee to do a self appraisal and evaluate their own contribution to the performance of the organisation.
Many appraisal discussions can be dominated by target and goal setting as well as remuneration discussion as opposed to career reviews alone. he implementation of an appraisal system into a company to which is small and is set in its ways I must add will cause certain general problems in the preliminary stages. In this section I will outline the main areas to which the company management or the appraiser must be aware of and take into consideration whilst conducting staff appraisals.
Whilst conducting staff appraisals the appraiser should take into consideration company politics. The appraiser should look beyond the individual if there is any discrediting issues at hand. The appraiser must not show any preference to any particular employees, the playing field must be a fair one for all staff in order for every member of staff to have a fair chance. In addition to this point the appraiser should have a sound understanding of company politics in order to be aware of certain issues to which may affect the work of others.
The appraiser must not take a subjective approach towards an employee. There is no room for bias in the appraisal system. Last but by no means least, the appraiser must be fully aware of legal issues in relation to staff appraisal. They must be aware of the rights of the appraisee and the rights they are entitled to themselves in order to prevent any legal issues arising to which may incur unwanted costs to the company. My recommendation in relation to the above is the implementation of the 360 degree appraisal discussion.
This type of appraisal discussion involves a combination of input towards the final report form the apraisees manager, the apraisees subordinates and the apraisees peers. The use of these employees will give a sound knowledge in relation to the working activities of the appraisee. When about to conduct the appraisal make sure that the appraiser is on time. The appraiser will send a clear and courteous message to the appraisee showing that it is an important discussion in doing this.
Whilst doing the appraisal immediate visual contact is imperative. This is where the appraiser can make the first impression and put the appraisee at ease, and will show the appraisee that you are giving them full attention. The appraiser throughout the appraisal should also be open and honest giving the opportunity to the appraisee to declare there views throughout. Finally the appraiser should remain calm and controlled throughout communicating in a concise and clear manner throughout.