5 Ways A Startup Can Make Its App A Successful One
The recent change in the digital world, especially in India has seen the (dot) (com) culture weaving its own triumphant path. But, the less time-consuming, go-to medium is undoubtedly a mobile application. The major amount of time spent browsing, clicking and surfing on a smartphone is devoted to the apps installed.
The startup trend in India has experienced a sea of apps floating on the Google Play and App Store. Some suffice in performing their jobs while others get lost in the crowd.
However, the impact differentiation happens when a user doesn’t click – “uninstall”.
Here are 5 features that a business owner should adhere to while presenting its application to its potential customers:
1. Convenience is the key! The primary feature of any mobile application is its convenience – A mobile application should be user-friendly and comprehensible. The simpler the app, the more stars it gains at the web application store. It should satisfy the needs and have an answer to why is it downloaded.
2. Operating Systems: The two main OS that is essential for any application building and processing are: Android over Google Play Store and IOS for apple users. Both the infamous platforms are used over the globe. The application for any given business should be thoroughly checked and tested before the final execution.
3. Offline Functionality: There are handfuls of apps that rely on a data connection but there ought to be a few options for the app to work offline.
On asking Saurabh Wadhawan, Product Head, Jugnoo on what leads a user to uninstall an application on his device, he said,
“Users uninstall an app when it becomes too intrusive and starts barging their privacy. They get annoyed when apps start reading their SMS, tracking user behaviour and giving unnecessary push notifications based on them. There is a thin line that demarcates system intelligence from an intrusive system, which needs to be kept in mind so that the users are not displeased. Also, an app is much likely to be uninstalled by a user if it fails to fulfil its primary use case”.
4. Marketing is the mantra: If an application is topping the charts on the web-store then an enthusiastic marketing team is to be credited behind its rank. Start-Ups and SME’s should ponder to the strategies that go into popularizing the application that brings the best customer feedback.
5. Get your customer glued: Any successful business will have a tremendous amount of target audience engaged to their application. The messaging program plays a key role in this phase. Customers do not drift to other reliable apps only because of engagement and that happens only when relevant messages land up on the devices without any hustle-bustle.