5 Social Media Customer Service Stats You Must Know
There are many statistics floating around when it comes to social media, and with any time they continue to reflect the change to the evolution of social media space which is as fluid as our culture.
However, for those of you who have been paying attention, it does become clear that social media has led to the foundation in the way businesses and brands connect and communicate with their customers. Here are some of the relevant statistics from 2012 in order to show how crucial social media is for the brands today.
Facebook shares have the greatest influence in rankings:
Facebook is still considered to be no 1. And despite of whatever you have heard each and every one of us have been using Facebook. And because each and every one of us have been using Facebook it’s a big deal for brands. Studies have shown that Facebook has 1.65 billion monthly active users followed by 1.09 billion daily active users on average.
It continues to remain the most used social media networking site among all the ages used by 64 percent of Americans 12 and up. Facebook accounts for one in every six minutes being spent online and one in every five minutes in mobile. The average Facebook user has 155friends, Women have more Facebook friends on an average than men which means 166: 145.
65% Buyers buy their products from the one they follow online:
The majority of twitter users are new junkies who generally use this platform to seek out information on what’s been happening around the world. This micro blogging platform is also a place for people to participate and connect with the brands.
78% people who complain about the brand via twitter generally expect responses within an hour. Customers are turning to the social media outlets unleashing the frustrations or questions. So do make sure that you are actively engaged on your social networking sites. There are 1.3 billion accounts out of which only 320 of them active. According to content marketing institute predictions 2016, the sign up growth for twitter has slowed down boosting up the stock price making more ads so be ready to start paying for visibility.
Phone still handle 68% of all contact centre communications:
With social media grabbing headlines with the claims that it is the future of customer service, then there is a risk that the contact centres would spend too long developing a social media strategy neglecting the good old fashioned phone call. This statistics shows that a phone call should still be a number one priority for the call centres today. And as far as the customers are concerned it’s often easier enough to pick up the phone and speak to someone than it is to track the brand down when it comes to the social media.
Social media channels just handle 3% of the communication:
Compare this 68% of your marketing audience who get in touch via phone and thus should pull the customer strategy into perspective. While this is something for the brands engaged in social media, Facebook and twitter they are still far away from becoming their first channel of choice to the consumers.
83% of the women on Pinterest users are women, and the most involve clothes, crafts and food:
Think about your demographic if your target includes women, food, crafts or fashion then Pinterest is for you.Pinterest is also considered to be a major traffic driver and congregate off the hobby specific communities including design, photograph and the other visually appealing hobbies.
Now when you have got the statistics and need to plan out a strategy, use Hootsuite to manage your social media presence. Try it for free today.